Foot & Ankle

April 5th and 6th 2018

Niek van Dijk &
Mariano de Prado

Arthroscopy and MIS of foot and ankle.

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* Places are limited and aplications are processed in strict order of receipt.

* Simultaneous translation into English and Spanish will be provided for the sessions

A special edition of the Amsterdam Foot and Ankle Course

Madrid Foot & Ankle Course.

Arthroscopy and minimally invasive surgery (MIS) of foot and ankle.

The Madrid Foot and Ankle Course is a new initiative bringing together two world experts in their field Niek van Dijk and Mariano de Prado. During the two day course they will present a unique combination of the strengths of Ankle Arthroscopy and Minimal Invasive Surgery in a mix of live surgical demonstrations, lectures, case discussions, tips and tricks. Both techniques have their place in the spectrum of surgical solutions in ankle and hindfoot problems and both have their specific application and indication. Niek van Dijk and Mariano de Prado share the same vision “WHY to do it is as important as HOW to do it”.

The course is both for advanced and beginners who are interested in these new techniques and solutions. There will be ample time for exchange and discussion. The course will be hosted by professor Francisco Forriol, the head of the anatomy department of CEU university in Madrid. Professor Forriol is ex-president of SECOT and has international reputation for his research works. An international faculty will moderate the sessions and take part in the discussions and case report sessions. The Madrid Foot and Ankle Course is organized in cooperation between the Amsterdam Foot and Ankle Course ‘on tour’ and Ripoll, de Prado & van Dijk Clinic in Madrid.

Course directors:

Prof. dr. C. N. van Dijk – Dr. M. de Prado
Dr. P. L. Ripoll – Prof. F. Forriol

Scientific Coordinator FIFA Medical Centre:

Dr. H. Pereira

Course Organizer – Provalentia Congresos:

Tel.: +34 963 734 690

Prof. Niek van Dijk and dr. Mariano de Prado.

Prof. Niek van Dijk and dr. Mariano de Prado.


CEU – Universidad San Pablo, Campus de Monteprincipe
Urbanización Montepríncipe, 28925 Alcorcón – Madrid






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