
Dr. Antonio Viladot Voegeli


Dr. Antonio Viladot Voegeli

Graduate in Medicine and Surgery in 1975 from the University of Barcelona.

Qualified as a specialist in Traumatology and Orthopaedics in January 1978 through the University of Barcelona.

Doctorate in Medicine and Surgery in December 1983 from the University of Barcelona.

Professor at the University of Barcelona’s School of Sports Medicine from its opening in 1987 until 2005.

Associate Professor in the Department of Morphological Sciences at the University of Barcelona from 10 January 1996 until 10 September 2013.

Clinical Head of the Locomotor Apparatus Surgery Service at the Hospital de San Rafael in Barcelona from December 2007.

Former president of the Iberian Society of Biomechanics.

Former president of the Spanish Society of Medicine and Surgery of the Foot and Ankle.

Former president of EFAS (European Foot & Ankle Societies)

Director of the “Course on Foot Diseases”. There have been 48 annual editions of the course.

Author of various publications in national and international journals and of a number of specialist texts.

Author of the book entitled Lecciones básicas de Biomecánica del Aparato Locomotor (Basic Lessons of Biomechanics of the Locomotor Apparatus). (Published by Springer 2001)

Co-author of the book 20 Lecciones sobre Patología del pie (20 lessons on Foot Pathology). (Published May 2009)

Co-author of Tratado de Cirugía del Antepié (Treatise on Forefoot Surgery). (Euromedice 2010)

Co-author of the Monograph Tratamiento de las secuelas traumáticas del retropié (Treatment of the traumatic sequels of the hindfoot) (Published by EdikaMed 2010)

Co-author of the Monograph: Dolor Crónico de Tobillo después de un Esguince (Chronic Ankle Pain following a Sprain) (Published by Elsevier 2016)

All session by Dr. Antonio Viladot Voegeli

Case discussion

19:00 - 20:00